Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Installed - RedNeck Hydraulic Steering Assist on a 08 Ford F250

This Ford Super Duty Came to us presenting a small amount of slop in the steering setup which transferred to the steering wheel. The slop in the steering combined with the 46” BIAS ply Mickey Thompson Baja Claw tires (which are famous for flat spotting) caused the truck to go into a death wobble. It was requested by the truck owner that we install a RedNeck Ram Hydraulic steering assist set up onto his 08 F250. So, he brought his truck in to the shop, we took off his factory steering box and shipped it overnight to West Texas Off Road (home of the Redneck Ram) where it arrived the next day. They drilled and tapped the proper places in the box to hook up hydraulic hoses. We received the box, ram, hoses, and mounts a couple days later. We installed the box back to the frame and found a spot on the axle to mount the ram and still retain the RIZE dual stabilizer set up. The 8” throw ram works perfect, taking away the threat of death wobble. Jeremy says the truck drives better now then it ever has. West Texas Off Road offers this particular kit for $499 plus shipping.

Installed Components:
RedNeck Hydraulic Steering Assist Kit

Previously Installed Components:
RIZE Industries Dual Steering Stabilizers
RIZE Industries Quad Link Suspension -Customized to 18" with the use of
King Remote Reservoir Coil Overs and
Atlas Rear Leaf Springs and also stabilized with
RIZE Industries Rear Traction Bars

If you have any questions about the install or the components used, please feel free to contact us Toll Free at 1-877-274-9362.