Due to the generous outpouring of support from our vendors, Top Gun Customz is now having a second raffle. Road Armor Bumpers has stepped in to help us make the best possible gift for the family of our friend Ricky Lawson. Road Armor Bumpers has donated a steel fabricated bumper for us to raffle off, to help us raise money for Ricky's family. Road Armor has stated that they will provide the base model bumper (Winners Choice) to the winner of this raffle. To make this affordable to you, we are selling 500 raffle tickets each costing only $5.00. ALL proceeds and donations will be given to Ricky's wife and family as a gift from the employees of Top Gun Customz, Road Armor Bumpers, and you, our friends
The first prize winner of the raffle will receive the Road Armor Bumper of their choice. The winners choice is limited to the Stealth Base models only.
Check out the full line of Road Armor Bumpers here. Road Armor Bumpers Home Page
Your tickets may be purchased at the store, over the phone or here online by adding this item to your shopping cart. Tickets are payable by Visa, Master Card, American Express or Paypal. There is no limit to the number of tickets you can buy as long as tickets are available.
EVERY single employee here at TGC is warmed by everyone's generosity. Ricky would be honored to hear about everyone's kindness. We all miss him, and love him. Thanks guys, seriously ....Thank You
*All ticket purchases for this raffle are internet based and will be printed and randomly picked on August 21, 2009. The Raffle Winner will be notified and proper shipping arrangements will be made at that time. The winner (if inside the Continental 48 United States) will not be responsible for shipping fees. *Any Raffle Winners, wishing to retrieve their merchandise outside of the Continental 48 United States, will be responsible to provide and pay for their own method of shipping.
*No employee of Top Gun Customz will be entering the raffle.
If you would like to purchase a raffle ticket, or make a donation please visit our web site:
Fund Raiser from the employees of Top Gun Customz for Ricky Lawson's Family
Or, if you would like to make a donation or purchase over the phone you can call Toll Free at 1-877-274-9362