| Today's Blog we would like to take the time to thank each and person who was apart of these raffles. We had an amazing outpouring of love and support from our vendors, Road Armor and Skyjacker. Both vendors heard about the raffle and each donated an item to be raffled to help raise more money for Ricky's wife for final expenses. |
| With the help of our forum friends, supporting vendors and the small sales of raffle tickets by the TGC employees, we managed to raise above and beyond what we originally expected to raise. |
| The Welder was won by a Maryville local, Richard Courtney. He will be stopping in today to take delivery of his new toy. |
| The Skyjacker Shocks were won by Paul Lavallee of New York. We have exchanged emails and we will speak later today. We will be mailing his shock certificate right away. |
| The winner of the Road Armor Bumper is Vince Lancaster of Benton Arkansas. We spoke on Friday, and he was floored. We are processing the order for his new 04 Dodge 2500 front Stealth Bumper. |